Tuesday, January 28, 2014

5 Successful Entrepreneurial Women

On the list of 100 Top Entrepreneurs Who Succeeded Without a College Degree seven of them were women. 

There are just those stories that you hear about that make you wanna shout "HEY I CAN DO THAT TOO!"

I was seeking out on the web specifically women entrepreneurs and i'll admit it has been a difficult task. Keeping in mind rights have changed over time, I understand why most of the Top 100 list is men.  

I support, listen, aspire and learn from many entrepreneurial men. While equally, I want women to be empowered to step up in the entrepreneurial world and inspire more women. It could create a wonderful snowball effect of beauty ;) Sometimes, there's nothing like hearing it from a lady. 

These powerful women definitely made the list:

Rachael Ray 

+Rachael Ray Show 


Food Network cooking show star, food industry entrepreneur, with no formal culinary arts training. Never attended college. 

Ashley Qualls 

+Ashley Qualls 


Founder of Whateverlife.com, left high school at the age of 15 to devote herself to building her website business. She was more than a million dollars by 17. 

Gabrielle Berstein 

+Gabrielle Bernstein 


Bestselling author, influential thinker, Youtube vlogger and Founder of Herfuture.com. She grew up in New York and attended Syracuse University with a degree in Theater.

Marie Forleo 


Wrote the bestselling book, Make Every Man Want You: How To Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself published in 13 languages. Marie has been interviewed by Tony Robbins as one of the world’s leading lifestyle and online marketing experts and mentored young business owners at Richard Branson’s Centre of Entrepreneurship in South Africa.  

Danielle Laporte 

+Danielle LaPorte 


Creator of the Desire Map: A guide to Creating Goals With Soul. She is passionate about creating a life that we love living. she skipped out on college to learn what she was really interested in and it brought her to the place she is now-inspiring, encouraging and motivating other ladies.

Other great resources: 

Monday, January 27, 2014

3 of the Best Professors on Life: James Altucher, Anthony Robbins, Timothy Ferriss

Master of Finance & Believer Non-Traditional Ways of Educating and Succeeding

Claim to Fame: Stockpickr: a financial social network, Time Magazine’s 50 Best Websites of 2007, sold in 2007 for $10 million.

History: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at Cornell University, Doctoral candidate at Carnegie Mellon University
Influence: Being a master of finance gave Altucher much wisdom to share. He now shares with others how they can respond best given the current economic opportunities.

I came across him when I was on Amazon looking for a cheap business book. This book empowered me to step into the life I wanted to live mentally and practically. In his book Choose Yourself he describes how much the world has changed in relation to the market, jobs and industries.

He teaches you how to use the changing conditions to your advantage by choosing yourself instead of making yourself eligible to be chosen by others. He brings light to the opportunities we have available to achieve inward and outward success.

G+: +james altucher
Twitter: @jaltucher

Expert Communicator & Life Changer

Claim to Fame: Infomericals and self-help books UnlimitedPower, Awaken the Giant Within

History: Promoted seminars for Jim Rohnneuro-linguistic programming, Personal Power series of self-help audios.

Influence: Powerful, life-altering topics on overcoming your fears, enhancing relationships, persuasive communicating, health, wealth and energy.

I was introduced to Robbins through a friend who was going through his training to be a life coach. I’m sure many people have heard of him-maybe not as much if you are around my age. That is exactly why even watching one of his videos will blow your mind.

His experience in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is the science that backs up his methods of training. He has transformed people’s lives in minutes and lives a life worthy of emulating. I would say his training and words and definitely worth the reading and listening.

G+: +Tony Robbins
Twitter: @tonyrobbins

   4 Hour Productivity Guru

Claim to Fame: 4 Hour Work Week, No.1 Bestseller on New York Time’s bestseller list

History: East Asian Studies at Princeton University, worked sales at a data storage company, founded successful company BrainQUICKEN that sells nutritional supplements.

Influence: More productivity in the least amount of time giving you the freedom to live the life you want.

Another friend introduced me to Tim Ferris and his approach on quality living: less work, more productivity, and massive amounts of freedom. I learned how to increase productivity and lessen wasted time to achieve the life I want. He begins in 4 Hour Work Week talking about the lifestyle I have always thought was possible: freedom from a workplace, ability to go wherever whenever and doing in the least amount of time necessary.

He teaches you how to turn your dreams into achievable goals and live the life you really dream of. If this sounds like something you desire and think of as impossible, it’s time to think again.

G+: +Tim Ferriss
Twitter: @tferriss

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Unlock Your Unlimited Potential

How do people follow through on their potential?

What is it that makes this rich get richer and the poor get poorer?

We know that it has something to do with mindset of course.

One man, who has changed people’s lives in a record time of eight minutes, surveyed a range of successful people to come up with a simple,practical formula. Tony Robbins’ life purpose is to change people’s lives. He is not only someone to emulate, but someone who emulates others very well, too. For that reason, I want to share a practical, life-changing way of thinking.

It used to be impossible to run a four minute mile. So why is it that after one man made the impossible possible 37 people were able to do the same thing over the next two years? It was because Roger Bannister did more than just physical practice. It was his certainty that he could run a four minute mile that allowed his body to get him to his desired result.

How does it work?

The potential we have is infinite. Anyone can do what has or has not been done. Whether or not we use that potential depends what we do.

The action then determines the result.

Now, this all sounds pretty simple, right?

This is where people begin to categorize themselves.

Here's the thing. Most people already have a certainty or belief of their potential before they ever take action or see results. This belief is what drives them to their action and gives them their results. These results then reinforce their belief. Old beliefs may keep them from their real potential.

So for example, I could have an unlimited potential, but little action and little results. Does that mean I have little potential? No, it means I don’t believe that I have unlimited potential.

If I believe there is little potential I am going to then take little action and my results will be lousy. The  discouraging results will reinforce what I believe is true. It’s all because my belief from the beginning is what I identified with and acted upon.  The cycle continues to spiral downward as my results get worse and I become more and more certain that I have little potential. But I don't.

How do I believe in my unlimited potential?

Start with a “must”. I must do this because I have no other options. This business must be successful or I will have to be dependent on my parents again, go to school, and get a job. I don’t want that! This “must” cannot be a “should”. Like: I should start a business that’s successful. That’s not enough. There are no other options but the “must”.

I must believe that what I am doing is going to work.

What do I do when I don’t believe in myself, take action or have the results I need?

Start at the results. I envision what it is that I must have. Basically, I see the results as if they are already here; I already have what I want. This builds my belief and actions and the results follow suit!
The cycle will happen no matter what you believe.

Although right now, I understand you may be nowhere near to what you want or need. When you have an unrealistic vision your belief in your potential and actions join the cycle and bring to life your envisioned results.

We have to condition ourselves to believe the things we don’t yet have so that our potential and actions bring us to the desired results.

A study done at UCLA concluded that we consciously exert control over individual neurons in our brains. Researchers revealed that humans regulate the individual activity of each neuron to intentionally alter their outcome. Individuals in the study manipulated the behavior of an image on the computer by only their thoughts!

This means that no matter what we have thought, seen or experienced we have the power to manipulate, control and change our thoughts to become our desired results.

We can override what we see or believe by focusing on and envisioning our results. When the desired results are clear in our mind, we have the power to fuzz out old beliefs and actions and begin our upward cycle of progress.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is Debt Good or Bad? 3 Lessons I've Learned


I know from the get go that many people have their philosophy on debt. This is simply mine.

For so long I have had only one thought about debt-“Debt is bad”. All I knew was debt caused my family to go bankrupt. Then we had to move from the only home I ever lived in and witness my family go through a lot of stress. I didn’t like it nor did I want to be around it and I formed a really negative perspective of debt. I mean, how could you blame me? The only thing I could associate with debt was negative circumstances.

Following high school, I was convinced I had to buy into a dream college in order to get what I want. I didn’t really know what I was doing. I just knew that in order to go there I needed more money than I had. As a result, I took the money the state offered me. Money they want back with interest.

I took the loan. $7,000 of debt. I used my credit card to pay for books. $600 worth of debt. More debt. $7,600 worth of debt.

I kept thinking bad debt, bad debt.

Literally, it was one day towards the end of the second semester of my first year when I felt the weight of those borrowed bricks fall on me. I had to pay this money back!

What if my job doesn’t pay me enough? What if I become some slave to the government since I’m only working to pay back what they gave me? Isn’t this just a cycle of investing, working then working then working to pay it all back? When does the reward come? And finally: When will I be free and not owe somebody something so I can do what I really want?

I didn't have enough logical desire to continue.

I couldn’t come up with one good lie to pull out more money I didn’t have only to invest it into something I didn’t even care enough about. I knew there had to be another way; some other way to not be another employee working forever to pay back borrowed money.

I know I might have lost some of you college go-ers right there. So let me bring you back. You probably know exactly why you are in college. You most likely have it all paid for or are okay with the amount you owe because you are certain you will have the job you want that will pay for it. You enjoy what you are learning and believe it will apply to what you really want to do.

Or maybe that just made you uncomfortable..

Perfect. Now that we got you back I’ll actually start sharing why this matters anyways. I promise there is a point to this.

After investing into my financial education, I started learning more about good debt and bad debt. I thought “Good debt? How could there be such a thing?” Maybe you are thinking the same thing right now.

The purpose of my story is to illustrate where I have come from so I can share some important lessons I have learned.

1. Not all debt is bad. 

The difference between good debt and bad debt falls heavily upon assets and liabilities. Assets-pay you, while liabilities-you pay. Let’s practice on some examples.

Education? Good debt.  Obviously, if you learn to catch fish you can have enough to feed yourself and sell some to make some money. Which is the ultimate purpose of schooling, right? You invest into an expertise that is expected to get you to your desired outcome-something that pays you back.

For me, this meant changing the education I was investing in since I want to be a financial genius and start my own business.

Credit cards? Good and bad debt. Gotcha there. If what you purchase on a credit card is an investment that is going to pay you back (ie: Education, stocks, etc.) then it is good debt. If, on the other hand, your purchase is a couple new outfits, a new phone or a meal with your friends you are buying into bad debt. That outfit or phone is probably not going to be paying you back much.

In my case, I stopped putting random purchases on my credit card. If I couldn’t afford a new phone, I couldn’t afford a new phone. No ifs ands or buts about it. It is a liability. On the other hand, when I want to invest into an education or product that will pay me back, asset, I have no problem charging it. For example, yesterday I spent $188 on a website for my business. Why isn’t it a liability? Because that site will bring me more business and therefore more money. It will pay me back. Good debt.

Okay, now here is where I have to warn some of you to not be ridiculous and invest into a bunch of education and products that you don’t apply because those can and will become liabilities. A smart investor looks into a matter.

Car payments, shopping sprees, subscription services, food, and entertainment? You can answer these for yourself, but let’s say it like it is: liabilities. Boo liabilities. Bad debt. Don’t worry I’ve done it, too. I’m not going to slap your hand.

Education, business ventures, stocks, and real estate? Risks. But these risks are assets worth investing in because with the right knowledge you will be paid back. Good debt. Go assets.

Which brings me to the next lesson I learned.

2. The right education, if applied, is worth the debt.

 I don’t feel the need to explain this one.

3. What you invest in is entirely up to you. Not anyone else. Only you.

Invest in the education you want to benefit from. Not the education you are most supported or encouraged to invest in. You pay the bills at the end of the day so let’s make them worth paying.

I had to make a tough choice this year. I had two options: Option #1 Have the support and understanding of my parents and a majority of those around me. Option#2 Have lots risk and many more responsibilities. As grateful as I am to have had the opportunity to attend community college at my parent’s expense, Option #1, I had to respectfully decline. In doing that, I also accepted that I am going to have to start paying for my own living expenses soon, Option  #2.

The bottom line is this: College education is not what I want. It’s what others want for me. The things is, I want to look back at my life 15 years from now and have a story worth telling. Not one of secret regrets because I invested in what others hoped for me. So in summary, invest in what brings value to you because it is your life-not anyone else’s. No one else needs to understand or support you. Some will, some won’t. That’s life. Support and understand yourself and let that direct you.

The purpose of this article is not to condemn you by any means. It is to bring you to a place of recognition with me. Let's be honest.

Often, I wonder why I see nice cars parked outside not-as-nice houses. It wasn’t until I realized it is so easy to be consumed, in this culture, with living outside of our means (storing up loads of liabilities). We are sold on the radio, TV and by our own comparison of others, that we can and should have that which we cannot afford- to which I say bogus.

We are going to live with what we have, albeit not up-to-date. We can and will live if we don’t buy a newer car or the latest fashion trend. We will say no to the bad debt and liabilities we are constantly sold. We can and will be smarter than average consumers by reducing our liabilities and gaining assets.

We will make every investment worth it.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

Is Facebook Worth the Fight? Why Businesses Should Focus on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram for the Teen Market

The day we never thought would come finally has.

While the age of the average Facebook user going up, teen usage has seen a decline. Naturally, most teens are not too excited about having their older family members scroll through their Facebook life. More and more teens are getting smart phones, thus, giving them access to all of the mobile sites and apps that most of their parents don’t use. Younger users are packing up to find new places to interact with their friends and find privacy from their parents.

What does this mean for businesses?

Bottom line, Facebook ads only get .05% click through. I would assume this is because when people are scrolling through Facebook it is not with the intention of buying something.

Does this mean we need to find the next social media platform to advertise on?


Or maybe creating a profile on that platform will allow users to connect and follow you. They want to see that you have a life. Show them what you do all day. Show them what you do in your free time. Show them the projects you are working on. They want to connect and relate to you, not be sold something.

Personally, I would be more inclined to buy something because of seeing someone using that product or service and liking it myself. I am more likely to click the “x” on an ad when it pops up on my social media sites. I don’t want to be sold. I want to want it for myself and for that reason-buy it. I’m sure you can relate.

With Facebook’s new “promote” feature the way things are sorted on people’s streams has changed. Ever noticed the high amount of wedding and baby photos? That’s because Facebook is keeping most of what people are sharing from you and instead showing you the most active postsYou don’t see what most people are posting.. If it is not liked, commented on or shared it basically falls away to allow the more active ones to take place. No wonder many businesses have been going through what I’ll call the “Facebook struggle”. Most people who have previously liked your page or friend-ed you haven’t even seen your posts.

What we need to do as businesses is use platforms that deliver our information regardless of how engaged users are with it. It should not have to take a like, comment or share to be worth viewing. Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr (so far) send what you post to all of your followers, not just the ones that are most engaged. These sites are even fields to be playing on. If you want to share your information with all of your followers Facebook may no longer be the best choice.

The Problem With Facebook video below explains everything in a nice and short 6 minutes.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to Travel on a Tight Budget and Achieve Your Dreams This Year

Want to travel, but don’t think you have the time or money? 

Maybe you are a 20 something wanting to get out and meet new people or visit friends or family. Maybe you are a mom wanting to go see her siblings or friends in different places. Or possibly you are the man who wants a breath of fresh air. 

Wherever you are right now, something about travel attracted you to this article so I am going to make it worth your time. 

Being 20 isn't easy. I have dreams and goals and desires and all of these things trapped inside of my head, but usually not enough money. I am going to share with you how I am making dreams possible on a modest income and affordable budget. 

These are just a few sites I have used to find the best deals on transportation and places to stay. 

  1. Travelzoo - I have found a flight from San Diego to Portland round trip for $108. They like to send the top 20 deals that they find as well as other local deals. Great way to find deals on flights in each season. 
  1. Kayak - From them I found a one way flight to New York from LAX for $160 in March. They sort through prices for flights all over the internet and I have relied on them for most of my airline purchases. Whenever I go out and try to compare I realize they already did all the work for me. 
  1. Couchsurfing - Free. That is all. Nuff said.  
  1. AirBnB - To put it simply, a place for homeowners to list their room or entire home directly to the customer. I have found rooms in New York for $50 a night and an entire house I could rent for $70 per night. 

These are just some I have used personally. If you have used or know of any other please add to the list in the comments below :) 

How am I really going to make this happen? 

This is when we let our dreams crash, burn and dissolve into the wall of reality.

The reality is, if you really want it-you will make it happen. Allow me to show you how to make that dream trip (or trips) become your reality. 

I want to introduce you to Dreamlining. This applies timelines to your dreams. Some of you may have heard of it if you read Tim Ferriss' 4 Hour Work Week.  

Let me give you a couple of cautions to keep in mind before we jump into this activity. 

  1. The more unrealistic the better. Your trip may seem impossible right now. Perfect. Start there are then move through the rest of the steps and you will start to believe it. 
  1. Ask yourself: Where would I go if there was no way I could fail? Has someone else done this with less skills/education than me?  
  1. Find out: 
  • What is your biggest fear keeping you from going? Define it. The more clear the better.  
  • What is the absolute worst that could happen if you go where you want instead of staying where you are? 
  • What steps could you take to get things back to the way they were if the worst were to happen? 
  • What are the benefits and outcomes of going where you want to go? 
  • What are you waiting for? If it's only timing or finances you are living out of fear. 

Now, how do I accomplish dream trip?

BEWARE: You will be surprised at how possible it is. 

With this chart we will spell out where we want to go, what it will cost, and how much we will need each month in order to fund the trip(s). It can be one place you want to go this year or ten or twenty. It doesn't need to be a land faraway. I realized I really wanted to spend time with people I really love, but don't get to see as often as I'd like. If you want to go out of the country, by all means, make that your priority.

  1. List the place(s) you want to go.
  1. Research the cost for the time of year you will be going. Use your own ways of research or some suggested above.  
  1. Use the given formula for your 12 Month Goal. Make a 3 or 6 Month Goal if you want to go more than one place. Use the total cost + 1.3 x your monthly expenses (if you don't know use this calculator to help) then you will have you your Total Monthly Income(TMI). Next, to find out what you will need to make each day to reach this goal divide the TMI by 30 to get the Total Daily Income(TDI) needed. (1.3 x Monthly Expenses is a 30% buffer for your monthly expenses)

This is what I did: 
A. Where do you want to go? 
B.What is the cost? 
C.TMI (Total Monthly Income) needed to go: 
1.Northern California 
2.Orange Country 
3.New York 

Total Cost+(1.3 x Monthly Expenses) 
850+715= $1,565 TMI 
$1,565/30= $52 TDI 

Next, we will take the necessary steps in the next three days to bring us closer to making this happen. They should be simple, well-defined and able to be done in five minutes or less. Assign an action goal for each dream place. Start with the first one and have a step for today, tomorrow and the day after. Then, move on to the next one in order of priority. 

Here is mine: 
Steps Now(01/16/14): 
1.Text/call Nor Cal friends/family for specific dates 
1.Put set dates in planner 
Day After(01/18/14): 
1.Plan to set aside 30% of all incoming payments until trip is funded 

Repeat for each trip until all are finished. 

If you would like the blank worksheets I used above I made them available for you here.

Cheers to living out your dreams

**Hint: Dreamlining can be used for ALL dreams-not just traveling. Read more on Tim's blog**