Friday, December 20, 2013

Ever feel like no one is in the same shoes as you?

Have you ever asked anyone?
What if I told you that you and I are in the same place ?
How would that make you feel ?
See, I think that we have been fooled onto thinking we need to know what we are doing for.. The rest of our lives ?
Sounds kinda silly when I say it like that.

It's as if there is some test with predetermined answers we need to figure out..

Life is not a class forcing us to know what has been said
or expecting us to be able to know what it wants us to say or do or think.

It's not failing because we didn't memorize well enough
or work hard enough to remember everything.

Was it just me or are English classes bogus?
Maybe just me.

Think about this:
Who is my audience, who is reading what I am writing.
Do I care what this audience has to think about what I have to say ?

Who says these people grading you have the best opinion and get to measure you based on a curriculum?
Who even came up with that horrid system ?
You may or may not agree.
Someone had to create that thing and
 in that case isn't it biased ?

There really is no way to measure an individual's abilities in relation to this one curriculum.

Even though I would spend countless hours researching and writing I "wrote too much" or had the wrong opinion of what a story meant or what the author's purpose was (always hated that one).

Nope, you're wrong. Got to align your thinking better next time. You must think wrong Gloria.

I have been taught too much that what I think is wrong and not enough of how to take that thought to form and articulate it to others clearly.

Why am I talking about this?

Because I want you to know it's okay to have your own ideas, opinions, thought and biases.

I want to encourage you to become stronger in them. Question them. Challenge them. Don't get too comfortable with them.
Change them.
Adapt them.
But overall allow them to formulate.
I encourage you to become stronger in them.
Spend time talking about it to people you care about or write it down if you don't want to talk about it.
Read it.
See if it really represents what you believe and can be understood.

if you need guidance
Ask yourself questions and answer them.

What do I believe or think about (enter thought here)? Starts you off.
Why do I believe or think this? Gets to the reason.
What influenced me to think this way? Gets rid of bias or determines neutrality.
How has it changed you? Determines importance.
And on and on..

You are not wrong.
You have the freedom to think, believe, create and fail.
Fail? What?? I can do that?
Yes!! You can and you should!
Life was not created to expect you to know what it wants from you.

Lfie is not tseitng or etpxecnig aynihntg form you
Hey, got that one didn't you.

Life is not testing or expecting anything from you...
Life is not testing or expecting anything from you.

Think freely, be free.

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